See how we support and provide health and social care services in Tanzania
We believe that through the “Power of Humanity” we can do better, do more and reach the last end mile to the most vulnerable.
Your generosity can provide meals for a hungry family, shelter for someone without a home, medical care for those in need, educational opportunities
What we Do
Disaster Risk Management, Disaster Response and Operations, COVID-19 pandemic, Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Programming “TRCS IS CASH READY” and…
At Health Services Management, we are dedicated to improving community well-being through a comprehensive range of health services
At the core of our mission is the goal of “Building a Strong National Society.”

We are Driven by the power of humanity. It's about life saving and life changing work
Since its foundation in 1962, Tanzania Red Cross Society has been doing humanitarian services in helping those in need both Tanzanians and refugees from neighboring countries. Over 50 years of its existence, the National Society is on “A Paradigm Shift”, looking from different perspectives to develop appropriate plans and strategies that are significantly uplifting the provision of its humanitarian services, more effectively and accountable for the benefit of the communities served.
Tanzania Red Cross Society as a strong credible and dependable national institution that supplements government efforts in providing effective humanitarian services in the country.
To improve the situation of most vulnerable in Tanzania through the power of Humanity.
To build a well-functioning National Society.

Do you have a strong humanitarian motivation?
Learn more about how to join the TRCS and offer support.
Here are the most common questions and concerns from our visitors. Take a moment to explore them
Take over your life, create something that helps people, be part of TRCS Volunteers where you can play your power of humanity.
Our Fundamental Principles
In all activities our volunteers, members and staff are guided by the below Seven Fundamental Principles abbreviated as HINIVUU

Thank You to Our Partners
We sincerely appreciate your support in helping us extend humanitarian services to those in need.
Your partnership makes a meaningful difference.
What Our Beneficiaries Say